Home Ranch (Seghesio)

Appellation: Alexander Valley




  • Zinfandel

From the Historical Vineyard Society. No location notes. Pine placed at generic position for the Alexander Valley.

AVA: Alexander

Decade: 1890s

Current Owner: Seghesio Family Vineyards

Planted by: Edoardo Seghesio

Characteristics: This deeply colored wine offers aromas of black cherries, ripe plums and Home Ranchs’ intrinsic sweet earth tones. Full bodied flavors of black cherries, raspberries and a wild mulberry note glide over the velvety tannins. Balanced with richness, this wine has nice staying power and is built to age. Aged in French oak puncheons and concrete tanks.

Description: A seven acre Zinfandel field blend planted by founder Edoardo Seghesio in 1895. This vineyard produces our flagship Zinfandel wine, Home Ranch Zinfandel.Facts

These head trained vines reside in non fertile shallow top soils, which aid in limiting vine vigor, thus producing limited amounts of small berried Zinfandel clusters. Typically, the other varietals that are inter planted ripen at the same time, but if not these vines are harvested later and ultimately blended back into the Zinfandel.