
Appellation: Fountain Grove




  • Alicante Bouschet
  • Petite Sirah
  • Zinfandel

Location from Fountain Grove AVA website.

From Carol Shelton Wines:
Originally planted by Martha’s grandparents, Pasquale & Maria Bastoni in 1906, she and her husband, Russ Messana now cultivate 35 acres of vines. After a century of growing Zinfandel, Palomino, Petite Sirah, Alicante Bouschet and Carignane, the vineyard had to be replanted in 2005 when yields became too low to maintain. Her grandfather and father sold their fruit to a variety of wineries over the years including Italian Swiss Colony, Charles Krug and Geyser Peak. Currently planted with Zinfandel, Petite Sirah, and Alicante Bouschet, the Messana’s maintain a family tradition of farming and community in the Fountaingrove District AVA just east of Santa Rosa.

  • Grower Russ & Martha Messana
  • Elevation 145 feet
  • Soil Type Spreckles loam – common in Sonoma County
  • Appellation Fountaingrove District
  • Varietals Zinfandel, Petite Sirah, Alicante Bouschet
  • Year Planted 1906-replanted in 2005
  • Organic / Sustainable Sustainably farmed, but not certified
  • Clones DuPratt
  • Rootstock St. George
  • Vine Training Trellis – vertical shoot positioning
  • Pruning System 2-bud spurs
  • Irrigation Type Drip irrigation
  • Last Watered 1 week before pick
  • Avg. Crop Yield in Tons/Acre 2-3 T/acre